starts from Egypt ("The impossible pyramid") by Mauro Quagliati |
The official reconstruction of the ancient history of mankind appears more and more unsatisfactory at the sight of numerous archaeological proofs. How long are we waiting for a revision of orthodox theories?
The news media has baptized 'Egiptomania' the proliferate in the libraries of publications dedicated to the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. The keepers of orthodoxy sleep calm sleeps, as they are convicted that certain fanciful and odd theories meet the favors of the public thanks to the atmosphere of mysticism that pervades the end of the millennium. In reality readers are little informed on the claimed scientific solidity of the traditional theories, which don’t furnish convincing explanations on the methods used for the construction of the big temples of Giza, as the Egyptians of the IV Dynasty (around 2600 BC.), to whom the paternity of the biggest and most sophisticated opera in stone of the history is attributed, didn’t leave any written testimony on the subject. Two technical problems are crucial: the lift of enormous blocks and the cut and polishing of the stones.
We are going to examine the antithetic conclusions
drawn from two "orthodox" authors: the Egyptologist Georges Goyon
in the book The Secret of the Big Pyramids, the physicist Kurt
Mendelssohn in The enigma of the pyramids.
In Goyon’s opinion it is sufficient to place
in opera, plane on plane, sloping horizontal layers (courses) of masonry
beginning from the planned basis, while the other believes that it is necessary
to build a preliminary nucleus in terraces (with the walls inclined toward
the inside like the pyramid of Zoser at Saqqara), on which to anchor the
following filling that defines the form of the pyramid.
This is the only way, Mendelssohn tells,
founding on the observation of the collapsed pyramid of Meidum, that allows
the builders to place a mark on the summit to point in order to give the
correct inclination to the edges. In the opposite case the angle of inclination
should be calculated at the basis with the accuracy of a fraction of degree
to be sure of installing correctly the vertex (fig.1-2).
1. With the means at their disposal, the Egyptians
wouldn't be able to build a pyramid correctly from the ground, since a
wrong alignment of the edges can't be corrected in a subsequent building
phase. A little error of 2° only would take to a phase-difference of
15 meters at the vertex of one of the Giza pyramids.
2. A step structure always constitutes the
core of a true pyramid. Its buttresses give stability and a back-sight,
or a countersign, put on the top, served to align in a correct way the
edges of the pyramid.
This, however, might not be a problem for
the creators of the Great Pyramid, whose basis is constituted by
4 equal sides with less than 0.1% of tolerance, 4 straight angles with
a margin of few seconds of degree, and it is oriented toward the geographical
north with an error of 3' of degree. Mendelssohn recognizes that the big
pyramids couldn’t be only the tombs of the pharaohs, but he admits that
the Egyptians of the III millennium b.C., even if they were formidable
architects, were awful mathematical; in fact the famous ratio of 2p
between the perimeter of the basis and the height would be a casual result
3. The amazing precision with which the ratio
between height and perimeter in the Great Pyramid represents the squaring
of the circle 1/2p,
was probably due to the fact that the Egyptians must have misured long
horizontal distances making a cylinder rotate and counting the number of
its revolutions. In this way, they would have reached the trascendental
number p =
3,141... without realizing it.
He believes, besides, that a voluntary
manpower of about 70,000 people (made up of specialized permanent workmen
and seasonal peasants) was employed in the construction of various pyramids
at the same time. But he doesn’t indicate any solution to the technical
problems of the yard, trying to imagine the use of rolls and inclined planes
for the transport of the blocks and levers for their lifting. On this subject,
Goyon has instead clear ideas. He rejects firmly some solutions proposed
by other colleagues in the past, who provide the use of machines in series
as winches of lifting, with pulleys and freight elevator of wood, or the
chimerical "oscillating elevator" (fig.4), whether because there is no
track of pulleys or wheels among the archaeological finds, or because such
methods would be too slow.
4. Oscillating elevator.
It is also to discard the use of rolls of
wood in large scale (without metallic hoopings) to let the blocks roll,
inefficient on sandy ground, moreover in a country poor of resistant lumber
suitable to that purpose. On the contrary, he claims that it was sufficient
to pull the blocks on drags of wood, very familiar sleighs for the
Egyptians of the Middle Reign (fig.5), along ascending slightly steep ramps
(about 3° of inclination, 5% of slope) and covered of wet clay in order
to make them slippery.
5. Transport of a giant statue. From a tomb
figuration of the XII dynasty.
But the famous ramp couldn’t be perpendicular
to the monument, otherwise, when construction is completed (at 147 m of
height), it would occupy a length of 3 km on the plain of Giza and a triple
volume of the pyramid itself. Therefore it would become a gigantic opera,
yet more onerous, to be realized through gigantic blocks of stone, not
certainly with loose terrain. Then, at first sight, it appears convincing
the idea of Goyon to build a winding ramp (fig.6), that is a rilevate
of bricks that it develops in a curl form for 3 km, leaning over the walls
already constructed (fig.7).
6. Winding ramp proposed by Goyon.
7. Section of the great pyramid with the winding
ramp made of bricks.
So one has the advantage to build the ramp
only one time (in the other way it needs to rebuild the clearing of the
ramp at every course), but the disadvantage to prevent the view of the
alignment of the edges. At this point we need to remember that the
great part of the about 2,300,000 blocks of limestone and sandstone
which constitute the Great Pyramid of Giza have, on an average, a volume
of 1 cubic meter (equivalent to almost 3 tons of weight), but, surprisingly,
with the height of the construction the dimensions increase to 10-15 t
1), and the King’s Chamber, placed
at 45 m of height, is realized with
megaliths of 50-70 t.
So, Goyon tries to legitimate his theory with the calculation.
Figure 8. Analysis
of the forces acting on the sleigh.
In figure 8 it is schematized a ramp inclined of an angle a, with the weight force P of the block divided into its tangential and perpendicular components. The force T necessary to apply the motion is given by the component of the weight along the inclined plane plus the force of attrition (proportional to the force which flattens the sleigh on the surface) which, for the low inclination (a= 3° 30’), results prevalent. m is the coefficient of attrition equal to 0.25, even optimistic considered that it consists of wood slithering on clay (notice that, for the grazing attrition of a wheel of locomotive on rail, it is assumed m= 0.3):
T= P sin a + m P cos a = 0.06 P + 0.25 P = 0.31 P
Furthermore, one can estimate the force that
every employee can presumably practice in the drawing, constantly for a
long period of time: a value between 10 and 15 kg . For a block of 40 t
it results a draught of 12 t, that, divided among workmen with the average
force of 12 kg each, it yields about 1000 persons. But the brilliant
Goyon perceives that they are objectively too many (for problems
of maneuver and overload of the ramp) and he prefers to accept a minimum
coefficient of attrition or even to suppress it (textually, pag.81),
in this way reducing the force to only 2.5 t, and the manpower to 200 men.
Following his reasoning, if the plane is horizontal, it suffice to give
a little push to the block to see it levitate on this magic slippery ramp.
In this way, also the transport of the "smaller" blocks of 3 t results
much easier: 20 men instead of 80. Here it is how modern science interprets
a bewildering enigma of human civilization (subtitle of the opera).
But it’s not enough. Goyon must reduce the number of the workers in each
drawing team because otherwise they couldn’t turn around the elbow curve
of the ramp which, with a width of 17 m, furnishes an useful space of maneuver
of about 15-20 m. Moreover, the ramp would be built with uncooked bricks,
that is clay mixed with straw and dried to the Sun, strengthened with traverses
of wood to confer resistance to traction to the rilevate, according to
a constructive technique (already known by the Sumerians) documented in
the New Reign during the XIX dynasty, 1000 years after the age of the pyramids.
Therefore the 1500-1800 men necessary to carry a block of 70 t,
first can’t turn at straight angle (divided in 15 rows, they should however
develop the ropes for 100 m in straight line, as there are no pulleys),
second they produce an ulterior distributed overload, greater than 100
t, extremely serious for a structure, whose safety should be calculated
with the methods prescribed in geotechnical engineering for the so-called
’armed land’. In fact the continual wetting of the surface induces infiltrations
in the body of the opera and the bricks assume the plastic consistence
of the damp clay.
All of this appears even more improbable,
given the phenomenal rate of construction transmitted to us through classical
sources. Herodotus, the Greek historian of the V century BC, in
his Histories, refers that pharaoh Cheops forced 100,000 of his
subjects to work as slaves to the construction of his tomb, during the
period of flood of the Nilus (3 months in a year). The work lasted 30 years
(of which 20 for placing the blocks) and it was carried out with systems
of armors in form of steps, using machinery constituted by short beams.
The Egyptologists consider these assertions, which are the only historical
connection between the IV dynasty and the Great Pyramid, like absolute
truth, when in reality they are doubtful voices reported orally by priests
lived 2000 years after.
For example, Goyon is satisfied because his
reconstruction would confirm the history of Erodotus, provided considering
the sleighs as the famous 'machines'. According to him it is acceptable
that, working continually every day for 20 years, 12 hours a day, one succeed
to set in opera about 2,300,000 cubic meters of stone at the rate of 355
cubic meters a day, that is an average of 1 drawing every 2 minutes; while
it‘s not acceptable that they worked only during the summer pause with
a quadruple rate of 2 blocks/min. According to his calculus it would be
sufficient a manpower of 20,000 men, of which, only among those working
on the pyramid, about 5000 employed to extract the stones, 2000 employed
in the drawing (not realistic, as one can see), 700 bricklayers laying
in opera. Even in the more favorable circumstance we must imagine the ramp
that resists for all its life to hundredths of daily solicitations of mobile
loads dragged with an infallible organization. And above all wondering
on the technical ability of the posers of the stones who in few minutes
must decide the correct collocation on the basis of the plan, articulate
perfectly the internal chambers handling blocks of tens of tons, everything
made with unknown tools.
In other passages, the priests of
Eliopolis tell Herodotus that the predinastic Egyptian period had lasted
for the time that the Sun employs to rise two times from the position in
which it sets; this, interpreted to the light of the phenomenon of precession
of the equinoxes, means about 40,000 years (NOTE
And so, how much of the classical sources
can be considered reliable? What is conformed to the mental schemes
of the archaeologists is accepted, while what is extraneous is considered
a literary fiction. Think, for example, at the history of Atlantis
described in the Timaeus and in the Critias of Plato.
The Greek philosopher claims with precision that a great civilization lived
9000 years before his age in a territory large as Minor Asia [Turkey] that
stretched out of the Mediterranean Sea, that means in the authentic Ocean
across which another continent could be reached. The orthodox researchers,
instead, say that he made a decuple mistake in the dimensions and in the
dating, and he had joked on the collocation. In reality his Atlantis was
the Isle of Thera in the Aegean Sea, destroyed by a volcanic eruption around
the 1500 BC, as it has been confirmed lately by a televisive documentary
and by the recent book Atlantis the rediscovered continent. This
evident forcing is clearly sponsored by the archaeological official community
for his convenience. But the main problem is that, for convenience, they
avoid to objectively examine some technological anachronisms, discarding
them as anomalies of the dominant theory. That is exactly the contrary
of what a scientist should do when he finds the proofs that put in doubt
a preceding hypothesis. Is it believable that a civilization in the age
of the copper has accumulated 21 million tons of stones in approximately
1 century, of which 12 million only at Giza, realizing something that completely
differed from what was ever realized before and after? The Egyptologists
reply that only during the IV dynasty the centralized Egyptian state allowed
the exploitation of a so enormous working obedient force, and they find
in the constructions of the III dynasty the technical progress that concluded
with the perfection of Giza. In reality the question is not the number
of the workers, but their technological equipment. For what concerns the
sudden evolution of Egyptian engineering, let us examine the naive observations
of Mendelsshon in the following part.
In about 2700 BC the pharaoh Zoser
(III dynasty) builds in Saqqara the first pyramid at terraces, realized
with small and manageable stones. Afterward the collapse of the pyramid
of Meidum is noted, in which the external filling, badly anchored, skidded
on the inner nucleus. In about 2650 BC at Dahshur, with Snefru (IV
dynasty, the father of Cheops) much bigger pyramids are planned: the one
with double inclination (52° at bottom, 43° at top, 3.6 million
tons of mass, 102 m of height) and the red pyramid (with the faces at 43°
stable, M=4×10^6 t, h= 101 m). These last ones are realized with
larger blocks than in the past, and they're badly squared. That fact involves
the birth, in the mass of the construction, of sensitive lateral tensions
which must be compensated inclining toward the inside the stratums of masonry,
and holding low [reducing] the inclination of the walls.
In order to correct such defects, the next
generation, after 2550 BC, decides to undertake the operas using larger
and perfectly squared blocks, in this way, thanks to the perfect adherence
of the courses (sewn [joined] together with the tolerance of 0.2 mm), they
develop prevalently vertical tensions, and they can then return to the
best inclination of 52° degrees with the more massive pyramid of
Cheops (M= 6.2×10^6 t, h= 147 m) which, however, still maintains
a refined internal inclination (fig.9).
9. In order to give more stability, the rows
of building materials in the pyramid of Khufu were placed with a slightly
concave course in respect of the vertex of the pyramid.
Presuming that the Egyptian science of constructions
had exclusively an empirical basis, without any mathematical theory to
calculate the pressures, one wonders on how they succeeded in dimensioning
the particulars of the internal chambers at the third attempt. The denticulate
ceiling (already present at Dahshur) of the Great Gallery and
the ceiling of the King’s Chamber (NOTE
3) are stressed by a weight never tried
until then. And the constructive particulars of the inside denote a skill
in moving blocks of tens of tons in narrow spaces, with small manpower.
Under the succeeding Chefren they perceive that the work is yet
better if the basis of the second pyramid of Giza (M=5.3×10^6 t,
h= 140 m) is built with monoliths of granite of a hundred of tons each.
But, at the same time, the technical tools used by the Egyptians remained
the same objects of wood and copper used since the I dynasty (3100 BC),
in manifest contrast with the facility of execution of the megalithic monuments
of the IV dynasty.
Studying little models of wood found in the
tombs of the New Reign, Osvaldo Falesiedi has recently attempted
to solve this problem, realizing lifting machines based on the modified
principle of the "cradle" (fig.4), enthusiastically received by the Egyptian
Museum of Turin. That would cast a new light on the story of Erodotus,
but, the model proposed (fig.10) for the positioning of the blocks in the
chamber of the King, hasn’t been tested at real dimensions, it's very inefficient
(the weight rises of 20 cm every double oscillation) and, above all, it’s
not clear where such an armor should be mounted during the building of
the pyramid (the steps are wide few tens of centimeters.).
10. Machine suggested by Osvaldo Falesiedi.
With the pyramid of Menkaura,
small (M= 0.6×10^6 t, h= 65 m) but perfectly realized with blocks
of pink granite, the age of the wonders terminates. One of its internal
chambers, directly excavated in the underground, is surmounted by a slope
roof formed by enormous slabs, almost crunched against the overseeing bedrock.
Therefore they must have been raised from the bottom, in a space only (4×2.5)
m wide.
The following V and VI dynasty, up to 2300
BC., built their funeral monuments at Abu Sir and Saqqara, with very bad
results. Officially, these heaps of rubble would testify the sudden breakup
of the organizational and constructive Egyptian ability.
How to explain, moreover, the sophisticated
results obtained in the processing of the stones? The primitive copper
drill are just sufficient to engrave and dig a sedimentary rock like the
limestone, with a patient work. While suitable tools for the geometric
squaring of large blocks haven’t been found. One should use a saw long
and rigid enough (perhaps of bronze, unfortunately not available in the
Ancient Reign) and an abrasive like the quartz sand, in order to obtain
a result similar to the one obtained, for example today, in the cut of
the marble (using a flat wire saw and emery). Yet the ancient Egyptians
worked with great ease granite and diorite, igneous rocks that are
among the hardest stones existing in nature, constituted by a mixture of
different minerals among which quartz. It is certainly possible to break
the rock forcing a natural fissure with a wedge of wood that swells impregnating
of water. But here we are speaking about millimetrical cuts. The diorite
can be processed not even with the iron; despite it has been delicately
modeled in the splendid statue of Chefren, presumably with a harder tool.
In petrography, the discipline that classifies the physical characteristics
of the minerals, the parameters which measure the difficulty in sawing
a rock for attrition attest that, on an average, the sandstone is 2 times
harder than the compact limestone; granite, basalt and diorite are 4 times
harder. Today's technology, to cut in an efficient way blocks of granite,
uses, as abrasive, powder of diamond or silica carbide (SiC, a synthetic
mineral similar to the diamond). We must remember some elements on the
scale of relative hardness of minerals, that goes from 1 to 10: 2=
chalk, 7= quartz, 8= emery, 9= carborundum, 10= diamond.
Thus, it is impossible to know how the supposed
of Cheops has been processed. This parallelepiped of granite,
engraved externally in a perfect way, has been excavated inside in a way
that baffled the Egyptologist of the XIX century Flinders Petrie:
they must have used a rotating perforating cylinder, on which they would
have practiced an enormous pressure, greater than 1 t. As Colin Wilson
highlighted in From Atlantis to the Sphinx, Christopher Dunn
demonstrated, with modern tools, that different granite surfaces worked
in the antiquity are flat at 1/50 of millimeter, and that the tools used
in the perforation were more efficient than those of today. Analyzing the
spiral of cutting on some "carrots" (cylinders produced by the boring)
of granite found at Giza, he can calculate the speed of penetration
of the rotating drill in the rock: 2.5 mm at turn, against the 2/1000
of mm at turn excavated by a modern drill, that functions at 900 turns/
minute. This can’t be obtained, obviously, with a cylinder of copper operated
at hand and quartz sand, as the official Egyptologists would like to be.
Dunn suggests a technology based on the vibrations at high frequency (a
sort of hammer tire which chugs at the frequency of the ultrasounds), compatible
with the microscopical investigation conducted on a hole practiced in the
granite: the drill had cut more quickly the quartz, than the feldspate
(tender mineral). Obviously, a similar technology isn’t achievable with
the means of 4500 years ago. A vast production of vases made of diorite,
basalt and quartz found at Saqqara and at Naqada, dated back to a predinastic
age (4000 BC), is even more inconceivable. Various cupels are engraved
with very clear inscriptions 0.16 mm thick (produced with very resistant
tips of 0.12 mm). Vases, craters and other common objects have rounded
and shaped with symmetry in a way that can be obtained only using a
lathe; they present a perfectly polished surface, almost shiny. A lens
of crystal is so perfect to seem mechanically grinded. Some containers
have an elegant lengthened and gossamer neck, and they are internally hollow:
this means that the rock has been excavated from outside, through an opening
that doesn't even allow the passage of a finger, an operation that even
today is simply impossible. A significant footstep ahead would be to reconsider,
at least, the metallurgical knowledge commonly attributed to the Egyptians,
contradicted by some objects of bronze and by a foil of iron found in a
channel of the Great Pyramid. These, discovered in the XIX century,
were "lost", and they jumped out from the underground of a museum in the
1993. According to ancient traditions, the builders of the pyramids left
of iron and weapons which didn’t rust, and glass which bent over without
breaking, and strange magic formulas.
Figure 11. Foil
of iron found in the masonry of the pyramid of Khufu
Typically, who searches answers to anomalies
of this kind is an independent researcher, with an open mental attitude.
Practitioners in disciplines different from archaeology address directly
the vast public, with their divulgative essays, because the academic Egyptology
move them away from the scientific acknowledgment, despises them like fools,
ignorant of the fundamentals of history and archaeology. In reality a bulk
of scientific proofs is being accumulated, that mines deeply the preconceived
ideas on the history of Ancient Egypt and, indirectly, of the human civilization
in general. The simple fact that no one, for a century, has criticized
what is taught on the books of history, regarding the age of the pyramids,
doesn't involve that it is the definitive truth. On the contrary, it's
arrived the moment to introduce a new study hypothesis for the prehistoric
scenery, that succeeds to resolve a series of "enigmas".
In the ’90 a team of studiouses guided
by the Egyptologist John West attempted to put in doubt the official
dogma. The geologist Robert Schoch noticed an experimental evidence
that has always been under everyone’s eyes: the body of the Sphinx and
the adjacent Temple of the valley of Chefren were eroded by the
12. A view of the Temple of the valley of
The famous half-man half-lion statue was sculpted deepening a quarry in the plateau of Giza, that is a sedimentary stratification of different limestones. All the buildings made of stone of the Egyptian civilization present usual signs of eolian erosion: the sand brought by the wind engraves more deeply the tender rock, in a uniform way. The result is a horizontal scheme: for example a front of stratified rock becomes a succession of prominences (compact rock) and sockets (tender rock). The sides and the walls of the pit of the Sphinx are the only Egyptians monuments which present a pattern of vertical weathering too, with shapes rounded and deeply engraved (up to 2 m), typical of the continual action of intense precipitations that overturned in cascade down the sides. Naturally the "serious" Egyptologists, after the first irrational reaction directed to refuse the evidence, have striven to find little persuasive alternative explanations: the cause would be the periodic flood of the Nilus (but isn't the plateau of Giza raised?) or the infiltrations of humidity to the interface sand-limestone. West’s observations arouse sensation because in the last 4500 years the Sphinx passed 3000 of them buried under the sand, so it was protected from the usual atmospheric agents in a desertic climate. Instead in order to find rains of such intensity to legitimate the heavy degrades of the body, you need to go back to the pluvial period that characterized the North Africa between 7000 BC and 11000 BC, at the end of the last glaciation.
13. The vertical erosion present on the Sphinx
Additionally, the funerary Temple of the valley, attributed to Chefren, was realized with the blocks extracted from the pit of the Sphinx, recognizable by the stratigraphy and by the typical erosion. These ones are limestone monoliths yet bigger than those used for the pyramids: some achieve the volume of 100 cubic meters and a weight of 260 t. Blocks like those, more of 3 m high, have been squared in the pit and then raised in vertical, before having been put in opera. That is really inconceivable if you think that today exist only 3 or 4 cranes that are able to lift a load greater than 200 t (for comparison think about the cranes that steers the containers in the port of Genoa, which tolerate a maximum nominal load of 60 t).
14. The funerary Temple of the valley
As Graham Hancock notices in Fingerprints of the Gods, the megalithic architecture of the Temple in many points resembles the typical "puzzle" composition that one can observe in the walls of Machu Picchu and Sacsahuamàn in Peru (here blocks of 300 t lie).
16. The ruins of Machu Picchu
Even that little remaining in the coating
of the great pyramids, often reutilized in the Middle Ages as material
of construction, highlights the refined technique of embed polygonal blocks
with irregular edge joins. Unfortunately we will never know if also
the coating of white limestone of the Great Pyramid, today almost all absent,
was weathered by the signs of the rain. The complex Second-pyramid-Sphinx-Temple
of the Sphinx-Temple of the valley, closely interconnected, is attributed
as a whole to the pharaoh Chefren and dated around 2500 BC, exclusively
basing upon contextual signs. The Temple in the Valley was full of statues
of the pharaoh when it was excavated, while on the walls of the columns
no hieroglyphs are engraved. The face of the Sphinx should be the
portrait of the son of Cheops, and instead it doesn't resemble absolutely
the one of his famous statue, but denotes, instead, different racial somatic
outlines. It is asserted that the head of the Sphinx (well preserved),
was sculpted for first, and extracted from a stratum of limestone much
more resistant than the immediately inferior one that forms the body (heavily
degraded). This one would be so brittle that only 3 centuries after the
construction integrations of bricks of the anterior paws were necessary.
In reality, as it is evident to whoever observes the Sphinx by side, the
head is disproportionately small in respect to the body: it is an
extraneous element resculpted much more later, probably when the pristine
head (of lion?) was then unrecognizable because of the erosion. Moreover
Dobecki, geophysicist collaborating with West, through geosismic analysis,
has highlighted that the superficial alteration of the limestone penetrates
in the body for 0.9 m in the back part and 2.4 m in the anterior one, demonstrating
that they were sculpted at thousand years of distance one from the other.
The geology confirms something by which, oddly, Egyptologists like Gaston
Maspero, August Mariette, Flinders Petrie were convicted,
at the beginning of the century, and it's the fact that the Sphinx was
already ancient at the time of Chefren, that was the renovator of it. This
is certified by the Sphinx Stela, erected by Tutmosi IV pharaoh
of the XVIII dynasty, and erroneously interpreted. After having cleared
the mythical statue by the sands, he recognized to his ancient predecessor
the same role, affixing the cartouche of Chefren.
In the Temple of the valley, one clearly
distinguishes the contrast between the gigantic monoliths and the coating
structure of granite at more "human" dimension. Curiously, also in the
Temple of Menkaura blocks of limestone of 200 t alternate with insertions
of mud and chalk bricks. Another controversial megalithic monument is the
of Abido. Unique example of Dolmen structure, with enormous and anonymous
parallelepipeds of granite up to 200 t, surrounded by a belt wall of sandstone
6 m thick, was situated deeply buried under the sediments when it was discovered
in 1914. Despite it was sudden clear that it was a primeval temple, further
it was considered the cenotaph of the pharaoh Seti I of the XIX dynasty,
that constructed his temple in the vicinity. All this basing on sparse
fragments which quote inscriptions of the 1300 BC. Yet the floor of the
Osireion locates 15 m beneath the one of the temple, and its pillars are
immersed in the water-bearing stratum.
17. The Osireion of Abido
In truth the entire Giza necropolis is object of a sensational misunderstanding. Conscious of the historic convention of the pharaohs to appropriate the sacred monuments of their predecessors, the perspective completely overturns. The internal walls of the great pyramids are all barren of inscriptions, bas-relieves, ritual formulas, as much as the chambers didn't ever lodge the mummy of any pharaoh (only in the pyramid of Menkaura a tomb of later time was found). This fact is explained, in the case of Cheops, calling in cause chimerical predators who would have stolen all the sepulchral treasure passing through an opening of 90 cm. Also the bare architecture of the mentioned monuments seems extraneous to the typical ornamental style of the Ancient Egypt. The inferior courses of the Second Pyramid and some Funeral Temples are referable to the same technique and constructive megalithical conception, on which one can read the stratification and the insertion of much lesser giant architectural elements. A photo taken from the peak of the Pyramid of Chefren highlights that the inferior courses, with colossal blocks of granite, form a perfectly aligned edge, while the superior ones, with more modest blocks, were installed with worst precision.
18. The pyramid of Chefren
Now, the pyramids of Meidum and Dashur appear
us not like the prototype of the great ones, but like the attempt to imitate
a perfect model already existing. The only written reference in the inside
of the Great Pyramid was discovered in 1837 by the colonel Howard Vyse
in one of the discharging chambers. They are the so-called marks of quarry,
which quote the cartouche of Cheops (resumed during the recent broadcast
"Mysteries", on italian channel Rai2, dedicated to this matter).
It is unbearable to think that the creator of the biggest tomb of history
has left his own signature only in a lost corner, with painted signs which
could be added in any epoch, maybe by Vyse himself. In fact the hieroglyphics
were drawn inverted or with grammar errors, evident sign of falsification.
All the archaeological proofs that remand to the IV dynasty are intrusive:
stelas, bas-relieves with hieroglyphics, vases and statues were found always
in the outside of the pyramids, in many funerary complexes (mastabe) nearby
the giants of stone, constructed with simpler techniques compatible with
the limited means of 4500 years ago. This is also worth for the three so-called
small (or subsidiary) pyramids standing by the Great One, dedicated, it
is reported, to the familiars of the sovereign.
On the contrary, a stela covered by hieroglyphics
dating back to the XXI dynasty (I millennium BC) confirms all the suspects.
The Inventory Stela, discovered by Mariette in the 1850, is a later
copy of an original one erected by Cheops in order to celebrate his repairs
to the Temple of Isis: he claims that a lot of time before his reign, the
House of the Sphinx already existed next to the House of Isis, Mistress
of the Pyramid (presumably the Great One), and that he made to
construct his own pyramid and the one of his daughter Henutsen, at the
feet of the Isis one. Then an authentic historical document asserts that
the tomb of Cheops is one of the 3 modest smaller pyramids: a too scandalous
fact for the Egyptologists who discard it as an opera of fiction, because
too recent. This is obviously an unjustified pretext; remember that the
stories of Erodotus, narrating facts happened 2000 years before, are seeped
Having not a reliable method of radio-datation
of the stones, lacking historical documents which confirm what the archaeologists
has determined to be the truth, they confine themselves to attribute the
age to the ancient settlings by the human organic remains, that can be
dated basing on the time of decadence of the radioactive carbon
(C14). According to Zahi Hawass, director of the archaeological
Museum of Cairo, the attribution based on the context is conclusive.
But the fact that they found the tombs of thousands of workmen in the necropolis
of Giza doesn't imply that these ones were the constructors of the pyramids,
exactly as the inhabitants of Rome of the early Middle Ages didn't plan
the Coliseum. The fact that their vertebral columns were deformed by the
effort in moving big weights doesn't mean that they carried the 50 t blocks
on the head.
Professor David Bowen of the Bureau
of sciences of the Earth at the University of Wales elaborated a method
of dating based on the radioactive isotope Chlore-36, which can
furnish an estimate of the departed time since when a rock had exposed
to the atmosphere for the first time. Preliminary tests, executed on the
"blue stones" of Stonehenge in ’94, furnished an age greater than
14,000 years, against the 4000 commonly accepted. Waiting for a similar
examination on the stones of Giza, to have an approximate estimate of the
age of the site, we can place trust to the archaeoastronomy, applied
with success indeed in the field of the European megalithical engineering(NOTE
This young branch of archaeology takes care
of the identification of astronomical alignments of the ancient monuments,
reconstructing the configuration of the celestial vault as it appeared
at the time of their construction. As explained by the engineer and Egyptologist
Bauval in The Orion Mystery, the relative position and the mass
of the 3 great pyramids of Giza faithfully reflects the configuration and
the magnitude of the 3 stars of the Orion belt. The perfect symmetry in
the ideal projection of the celestial vault on the terrestrial surface
is obtained in a date around 10450 BC, in coincidence with the minimal
altitude on the horizon reached by Orion in his precessional motion.
Therefore the beginning of the Orion cycle would coincide with the so-called
Time (Tep Zepi) of the Egyptian tradition, in the astrological era
of the Leo. In fact the Sphinx (the lion) is an equinoctial indicator
precisely pointed to East, built to fix the epoch in which the Sun, in
the spring equinox, rose in that constellation (between 8700 BC and 10800
BC). The intimate connection between the astronomy and the religious conception
of the Egyptians is confirmed by the 4 oblique shafts which start from
the chambers of the Great Pyramid, erroneously defined "of airing purpose".
Those southerners aim, respectively, on the constellation of Orion (Osiris)
and on the Sirius star (Isis, Sothis), but at the altitude in which they
crossed the meridian of Giza in the 2450 BC, to indicate, in Bauval’s opinion,
that the plan of Giza was begun in the XI millennium BC and completed by
pharaohs. Professor
A.N. Dos Santos, teacher of nuclear physics
in Brazil, has a different opinion. His reasonings are founded on the functioning
of the ancient sothiac Egyptian calendar, in which the solar year is 365
days long. The accumulated delay (approximately 1 day every 4 years) isn't
recovered, and goes on equal footstep with the relocation of the Sirius
star, for which, after a Sothiac Cycle of 1507 years (NOTE
5) the calendar returns to the point of
departure and the Sothiac Year is celebrated. Sothiac years result 10410
BC (in excellent accord with Bauval), and, above all, 11917 BC,
in which the calendar began, according to the calculations of Dos Santos.
That would be confirmed by the astronomic alignment of the Great Pyramid
with Vega, that 14,000 years ago was the polar star, and by the delay of
3-4 days accumulated in the dates of the solstices between the 12000 BC
and the year zero.
Many archaeological sites with controversial
dating in the new continent should be retro-dated too. The famous Lines
of Nazca, in Peru, receive their name from a pre-Columbian culture lived
until the early centuries of our age, yet there is no mean to know when
and who traced those giant figures that, for proportions and kilometric
alignments, required an incomprehensible topographic accuracy.
In Bolivia, at 3800 m of altitude, among
the gigantic ruins of Tiahuanaco, we find the leftovers of a harbor
anciently situated on the shores of the Titicaca lake (docks with blocks
up to 440 t), and a great semidestroyed pyramid at terraces (originally
210 m of basis and 15 m of height, perfectly oriented to the North).
Today, oddly, the city is situated 30 meters higher than the actual line
of coast, and its construction is fixed at around 500 BC, by the Inca
civilization, a culture even barren of the wheel. Still once the dating
based on the context of the settlings doesn't demonstrate anything and
contradicts the logic, according to which a geological change of such proportions
cannot be happened in short time, furthermore in the Christian era. Instead
the archaeoastronomical dating of professor Arthur Posnansky, based
the obliquity of the ecliptic (NOTE
6), would shift the raising of the enormous
stones back to 15000 BC . This datation coincides with different fragments
of vases and with the observable friezes on the famous Gate of the Sun,
which represents heads of elephants, toxodontes and other extinct mammals
in South America between the 12000 BC and the 10000 BC. These observations,
known since the ’30s, revisited by the italian writer Peter Kolosimo
in the ’70s, are refused because they contradict the model of population
of America, the rules of development of the man in the prehistory, and
confirm the suspects of a big climatic and geological catastrophe
which coincided with the end of the last glacial period, whose memory is
imprinted in the myth of the Universal Flood, common to all the people
on the Earth.
Far from the usual preconceptions about the
of the man, the good sense suggests that populations like the dynastical
Egyptians and the Incas settled in the proximities of the traces of a precedent
civilization, scientifically and technologically advanced, to which
they attributed a magic-religious meaning.
Both the reported verbal traditions by the
Peruvian natives to the Spanish chroniclers of the XVI century and the
historical Egyptians sources define the giants of stone as the opera of
the civilizator Gods, of the lost Gold Age: a transfigured
memory of the past, orally bequeathed from generation to generation. Again
we meet the typical filter of the historic information: the Stone of
Palermo (V dynasty, 2500 BC), the Papyrus of Turin and the List
of the Kings of Abido, carved by Seti I (XIX dynasty, 1300 BC), the
history of Egypt compiled by Manetho, priest of Eliopolis (III BC),
the writings of the greek historian Erodotus (V BC) and Diodorus
Siculus (I BC) are all considered reliable sources of the Egyptian
dynastic history, while they are ignored when they speak about the long
predinastic era, the First Time, lasted 30,000 or 40,000 years.
19. Detail of the list of kings from
the temple of
II, at Abido (London, British Museum)
The archaeologists of the XX century mark
a neat boundary between the invention of the writing, with Menes
(first pharaoh of the history), and the preceding events, considered pure
mythology. They present the chronology of the historic dynasties with a
deceptive precision, when instead it is founded only on the probable count
of generations (the famed Champollion in the ’30s fixed the beginning of
the I dynasty to 5867 BC, today esteemed to 3100 BC). It's believed for
certain that predinastic Egypt was populated exclusively by neolithic populations.
Instead, incontestable archaeological proofs, till now opportunely ignored,
demonstrate the contrary.
Is it logical that the culture of the Ancient
Reign appeared suddenly, with the sophisticated astronomical-religious
mythology, the complex hieroglyphic grammar already fully constitutes?
How is it possible that the northamerican Indians Micmac used a
hieroglyphic writing formed by tens of symbols belonging to the italic
Egyptian writing (hieratic)? Professor Barry Fell, in America
BC, in 1976, demonstrated that a great part of the ideograms coincide
both in the drawing and in the meaning. The feeling is that various chapters
of the ancient history lack. Some proofs of the forgotten past are located
in known archaeological sites and, as you have seen, erroneously dated.
But the major part of the testimonies must be still discovered, because
nobody looks in right places. Some Egyptologists assert that the sands
of Sahara still hide the major part of the Egyptian history; according
to J.West searches along the shores of the ancient Nilus would be appropriate.
At the end of the XIX century it was inconceivable to imagine a civilization
preceding the Egyptian one, yet, following the indications of the Ancient
Will and facing public derision of the colleagues, a group of archaeologists
dug in Mesopotamia and discovered the remains of Sumer, another
unexpected and revolutionary civilization that, in the IV millennium BC,
was already socially and scientifically evolved, with a baggage of astronomical
knowledge overcome only in XIX century (NOTE
7). This should teach us to examine the
traditions and the mythology of the ancient cultures under a different
If anybody suspects that a prehistoric civilization
lived during the last glaciation, we expect to find numerous settlings
submerged by the increased level of the oceans, a fact that has punctually
happened. In 1968, archaeologist Manson Valentine carefully plotted
a wall of 600 m, constituted by big polygonal blocks which lie at a depth
of 7 m, in the open sea of Bimini in the Bahamas Islands. The examination
of the C14 on the fossilized mangroves, would make it go back to 9-10,000
BC. On the deep surrounding backdrops geometric and pyramidal shapes were
often observed by some aviators. In the proximity of the Canary Islands
there is a pyramid at terraces. Kilometric rectilinear roads start from
Yucatàn and Florida coasts and spread in the Atlantic. In a similar
way different alignments of menhirs, on the west Europe coasts, continue
into the sea, while on the bottom of Loch Ness lake a cromleck (circle
of stones) was photographed.
20. Alignment of menhirs at Carnac (France)
It's countless the number of signallings of submerged harbors in the Indian and Pacific Ocean, in particular between Indonesia and the Oceania. Just in the 1997 an èquipe of Japanese oceanographers, coordinated by professor Kimura, discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization, in the waters of the archipelago Ryu Kyu, in the Chinese Sea (between Japan and Taiwan): an underwater camera filmed palaces, stairways and pyramids. Another problem is the exploration of places made inaccessible by the changed climatic conditions or by political ties. A recent archaeological expedition discovered, in the southern Siberia, a group of pyramids at terraces. In some photos taken in 1975 by meteorological satellites which flied over the area of Pantiacolla, in Peru, a group of great pyramids hidden by the vegetation can be noted. In the plain of Qin Chuan and in the valley of Qin Lin, in the Shensi province, of central China, on an area of 2000 km2 there is a hundred of enormous terrain pyramids, some similar to the Teotihuacan one. Like the centroamerican ones, beneath the coverage of soil, they could conceal stone monuments. They were observed for the first time in the ’40s, but no one has studied them until today.
21. A view of Chinese pyramids
22. A Chinese pyramid
In 1993 engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink
discovered a new secret chamber in the inside of the Great Pyramid, accessible
through the South channel of the Chamber of the Queen; at the same time,
the seismic investigations of J.West’s team showed a wide chamber excavated
under the Sphinx. Since then, no other official research has been set out,
while West was moved away from Giza.
Archaeology is an empirical science still
open to new discoveries. Perhaps it came the time to conform the theory
to the experimental evidences, even if that means to admit a century of
ingenuity and to damage the prestige of certain untouchable authority of
the field.
Why only in a remote past the men enjoyed
to move, without apparent effort, blocks of hundreds of tons? Let's remember
the Menhir Brise in Brittany, of indefinable age, which, when it
was intact, measured 23 m of height and it weighed more than 300 t; or
the foundations of the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, in Liban, with
a block of 900 t.
23. The menhir Brise, in Britain, 23 meters
high and weighting over 300 t.
Why does astronomical sophisticated knowledge, very exuberant in respect to the necessities of the agriculture, emerge in cultures with scarce technical realizations? Commonly the seafaring civilizations are those that sharpen the astronomy for the purposes of the orientation and of the navigation. Neither the Sumerian, nor the Maya sailed, yet the latter ones (900 BC - 1000 AD), barren of suitable tools, elaborated a formidable calendar that esteemed the duration of the solar year in 365.2420 days (the more precise result of all times after that obtained by the european science), calculated the period of the lunar phases up to the seconds and it was set on the astronomical cycles of Venus in order to maintain itself precise in the millenniums. The vigesimal numerical system and the Mayan calendar were, besides, a legacy of the Olmecs, a population apparently not autochtonal (NOTE 8), installed in South- East of Mexico since 1500-1200 BC. Exquisite civilization like the Egyptian, the Sumerian and the Olmec one, suddenly arisen and then slowly declined, have the characters of a legacy of the past and not of a coherent progress. They are the survivals of a cultural evolution started millenniums before, which stopped at a certain point of the history.
This forgotten civilization left, on all
the planet, its material (pyramids, megalithical architecture) and cultural
(myths, common religious symbols) tracks; so it would be reductive to identify
it with the platonic isle of Atlantis. It also left us in heritage a detailed
of the Earth: they are nautical maps that were drawn by medieval cartographers
copying some documents, maybe originally preserved in the Library of Alexandria.
Such charts reach a level of unexplainable precision, reporting the correct
longitude (NOTE 9)
of locations thousands of kilometers one far from another, plotting the
presence of lands still unknown at the time of their compilation. In some
maps one can observe ice-caps on the North Europe, the Sahara occupied
by a green land rich of rivers and lakes, an edge of land in place of the
Strait of Berings: morphological characters compatible with the climate
of the Ice Age between 15,000 BC and 10,000 BC. But the most famous
chart is the one of Piri Reis, which reports, among the others,
the topography of the Anctartic peninsula free from the ices (as was demonstrated
by a study of the US Air Force in 1960, commissioned by professor Charles
Hapgood, author of Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings) and was a part of
a planisphere obtained through a projection centered in the proximity
of Cairo, that denotes the use of spherical trigonometry.
24. The map of Piri Reis
Recently, in the necropolis of Giza and at
Abido, some boats were disinterred; it is thought they served for ritual
purposes, ferrying the body of the pharaoh along the current of the Nilus.
Otherwise, experts in nautical archaeology, as Thor Heyerdahl and
Haldane, show that their high and tapering bows are ideal for face
the navigation in open sea and that their design, very similar to that
of the rush boats of the Titicaca Lake, reveals a high level of experience
in this field.
The puzzle of our prehistory is undoubtedly
incomplete, but many pieces go to their place, furnishing us a picture
decidedly more logical and coherent than the officially consecrated one.
We told that numerous datings converge in a period included between 12000
BC and 10000 BC, an epoch that saw sudden mass extinctions among
mammals (remember the Siberian frozen mammoths) and the inversion of
the magnetic terrestrial poles. Immediately after, around 9500 BC,
the first experiments of agriculture started, at the same time and at the
antipodes of the Earth: in proximities of the Titicaca Lake, on the Ethiopian
highlands, and on the Thailand ones. The agricultural revolution is the
first step toward the formation of the civilization. The eventuality that
a planetary catastrophe truncated the development of a preceding human
civilization doesn't seem so remote any more. Additionally, this
new perspective doesn't take off dignity to the still sophisticated historic
cultures which attempted to perpetuate a knowledge and a form of advanced
civilization with insufficient means. Then what does prevent the scientific
community to take in consideration such hypothesis? Probably
it is a prejudice consolidated by our industrial civilization, that considers
itself the apex of the intellectual evolution of the man, seen as a linear
and unbroken walk. This reassuring vision, remnant of the nineteenth-century
positivism, postulates that the tools of the modern science hold the primacy
in the level of comprehension of the universe. Instead, with the progress
of our technology, the informations coming from a remote past acquire new
meanings. The Texts of the Pyramids, that are the hieroglyphics
which cover the walls of the funerary chamber of the pyramid of Unas (V
dynasty), are the transcription of ancient predinastic traditions. According
to G.Hancock, they seem the attempt to express complex technical and scientific
images in a totally inappropriate idiom. In the XIX century, the first
translators of the Mahabarata and of the Ramayana (epic poems
that transcribed ancient oral traditions of India) had difficulty to understand
the detailed descriptions of the flying crafts (Vimana) and of the
different effects produced by weapons of the Gods: great explosions which
instantly exterminate men and animals, paralysis, scald, contamination
of food, columns of fire that get up in the sky, rain of sulphur (typical
of the Bible). These narrations will be considered fanciful coincidences
by whoever doesn't know that the city of Mohenjo Daro, in the valley
of the Indus, was destroyed by a wave of unexplainable heat, incompatible
with both a normal fire and natural known phenomenons. Analysis led by
the CNR of Rome, in the ’70s, on behalf of David Davenport, expert
in Sanskrit literature, demonstrated that pottery and stones were subject
to a temperature greater than 1500 °C, sufficient to vitrify the walls
of the city.
27. The ruins of Mohenjo Daro (Pakistan)
The power of elaboration achieved by computers
has allowed us to find new answers to ancient questions. Maurice Cotterel,
engineer and programmer, thanks to a sophisticated computer simulation,
reproduced the course of the magnetic fields of the Sun. Besides confirming
the electromagnetic origin of the phenomenon of the solar spots,
he discovered various regular cycles in the radiation arriving on the Earth
(among which a cycle of 28 days and a big cycle of 1,366,040 days), supposing
to have found the cause of the periodic inversion of the geomagnetical
poles. His deductions induce us to reconsider the authentic origin of astrology,
the degenerate memory of what ancient people knew about the influence of
electromagnetic fields on terrestrial biology: each monthly period
(zodiacal sign) is characterized by the radiation of solar wind with prevalence
of positive ions (signs of fire and air) or negative ions (signs of earth
and water). Additionally he underlined the connection between the cycle
of the solar spots and the
Mayan calendar that, through an intricate
numeric system, calculated the so-called Long Reckoning of 1,366,560 days.
We must remember the maniacal obsession that the pre-Columbian mexican
civilizations had for the elapsing of time, and their conception of the
history of humanity, cyclically destroyed by natural catastrophes. Similar
considerations are also worth for other disciplines that, probably, are
the legacy of a forgotten science, based on a straighter relation between
the senses and the energies of the environment. The traditional Chinese
medicine (like the acupuncture), the Feng-Shui (the art of disposing
the habitations in harmony with the environment), the dowsing are
examples of ancient knowledge, contaminated in millenniums by esoteric
In accordance with C.Wilson a possible key
of interpreting the mysteries of the past is just in the magic-spiritual
relation developed by our ancestors with the environment. Recent investigations
highlight the dual nature of the human brain. Wilson believes that, since
when the writing was invented, men lived an alienated existence, governed
at conscious level by the cerebral left hemisphere (analytical and rational
faculties), and at subconscious level by the right hemisphere (artistic
and intuitive faculties). On the contrary the man of prehistory, cultivating
the capacities of memory and an intuitive approach to the reality, enjoyed
of an harmonic fusion between the two hemispheres, ideal for developing
extra-sensorial abilities of the mind, like telepathy, telekinesis,
remote vision and the collective unconscious (the one that a shaman
induces in his tribe through magical rites). Despite the heavy disinformation
on these subjects, we should be aware that the ESP phenomenons, categorically
refused by the official science for the absence of a theoretical explanation,
has been examined with success by the military apparatus and by the intelligence
services, much more interested in practical results.
The idea of Wilson is suggestive and answers
to a fundamental question that is the only justified objection moved to
the supporters of the new theories: why only the products of forgotten
technology have been found (e.g.: the polished stones) and we never found
the tools (e.g.: saws and drills)? The scenery is much more complex indeed.
Different tools of the past were not recognized at the moment of their
discovery and other finds disappeared or are considered false. Two famous
examples suffice.
The batteries of Baghdad. They
are vases of baked clay 2000 years old, containing a cylinder of copper
and a rod of iron plunged into the asphalt. They were classified as objects
of cult until they were noticed by Wilhelm Konig, in the ’30s. Inserting
an electrolytic solution (copper sulphate) the device produced electric
The geode of Coso. In the homonymous
place of California, in the ’60s, a sphere crusted of fossil shells came
to the light. A x-ray put in evidence the interior, formed by a thin soul
of metal, surrounded by a circular section of a very hard ceramic material
(such to consume the diamond saw used for the clipping), with an hexagonal
hood. An incredible example of unknown technology of 500,000 years ago.
The so-called paleoastronautic counts
tens of these astonishing anomalies of prehistory. Therefore, even
if proofs exist, they are simply ignored or who proposes them is discredited.
At this point, it is necessary to wonder if the delay of 150 years of the
theory with respect to the objective proofs is physiological or pathological.
It is certainly a displeasing cultural
filter mechanism, recently put in light by researcher Michael Cremo.
In his fundamental treaty Forbidden Archaeology, he demonstrates the groundlessness
of the evolutionary line of Homo Sapiens, whose fossils have been found,
with certainty, in geological ages up to 50 million of years ago. Yet the
experimental evidences that prove it have been hidden or discredited for
more than a century, while anonymous authorities have the power to decide
which researches must be publicized on scientific magazines in a way that
only the "pleasant" theories gain notoriety. The search of M. Cremo reveals
us only the summit of the iceberg: one can only guess how many finds
were completely suppressed. And is all of this simply due to a vicious
circle started by the vertexes of the academic learning? Maybe, instead,
one can expressly speak of a designed plan of deceit against public opinion.
But at which purpose? It is known that today world economy and politics
are in the hands of few groups of power (the military and financial lobbies,
the corporations, the petrochemical industries) which, in their interest,
influence and direct the operate of the governments, controlling the information
that can reach the public. The vertexes of the political and economical
power, tied with double wire to the military and scientific organisms,
are responsible of manipulation of the news through the news media, suppression
of innovative technologies that, for example, would make oil obsolete.
Their objective is to maintain indefinitely a social and economic order
advantageous for them. The scientific search goes, forcedly, toward the
direction indicated by financiers. It is not a coincidence that private
american foundations have seriously influenced the searches on the evolution
of the man at the beginning of the XX century, selectively sponsoring the
neo-darwinian theories. Isn’t it plausible that the knowledge of our predecessors
opens the door toward a certain type of "inconvenient" truths to which
the world social structure is not ready?
There could be revolutionary technologies,
whose employment would endanger the world economical establishment. As
usual, the local traditions furnish useful signs. The ancestors of the
native bolivians bequeathed the tradition according to which the buildings
of Tiahuanaco were realized in brief time, raising and carrying the stones
in air at the sound of a trumpet. In the XV century, the Egyptian historian
Al-Maqrizi reported that to the workmen of the pyramids it sufficed
to lean a sheet covered with magic writing above a block of stone to see
it cover a distance of 26 km. The temptation to think to anti-gravity
devices is strong. In 1996 some researchers of the university of Tampere
in Finland declared they accidentally obtained an effect of real loss of
weight of objects, while they were studying the behavior of a super-conductor.
The news, appeared on the British Sunday Telegraph, doesn't seem
to have received much attention; this fits perfectly in the system of sabotage
of the alternative energies, that has struck, for example, the cold fusion
of Martin Fleischmann or the hydrogen engine.
Equally destabilizing informations would
be the discovery of natural phenomenons still little known, that could
be able to periodically put in danger the life on the Earth (NOTE
10), or the confirmation of the existence
of extraterrestrial intelligences (NOTE
11). Among forbidden finds, M. Cremo counts
different artificial objects, fossils and footprints of man discovered
in stratums of the Carboniferous period, and other of the Pre-Cambrian
one, up to 2.8 milliards years ago. These artifacts would put in
crisis the theories on the random origin and development of life on Earth
12). Such news don’t achieve the public,
while an èlite of researchers conducts reserved researches for secret
Ancient buildings made unrecognizable by
the vegetation have been often found thanks to satellite trackings. Is
it plausible that a structure as magnificent and visible as the Great
White Pyramid of Xian in China (a colossus of 300 m of height) accidentally
escaped the sensors? Only today, 50 years after the discovery, its existence
is made known. Maybe the archaeological revolution could be the first footstep
toward the revelation of a true hidden reality.
28. The Great White Pyramid of Xian (China)
1: On this matter a film on Ancient Egypt, transmitted by Quark
(an italian broadcast of scientific divulgation) is much more optimistic:
6 men would be sufficient to carry a block of 6 t on a 10% sloping ramp.
That is to say, each man can pull, for several kilometers, a familiar car
with crawling braked wheels. BACK
2: In fact, because of the oscillation of the Earth’s axis (which
describes a cone in the sky every 26000 years), after about 2160 years,
the Sun rises at the Spring equinox in a different constellation.
When the Sun rises in the constellation where it set, it has crossed half
of the zodiacal bend, so 13000 years passed. Then, at the time of Herodotus,
one and half precessional cycle, equivalent to 39000 years, would be completed.
3: In this occasion the architects introduce the device of the
discharging chambers for the first time: 7 rooms placed above the ceiling,
which had the function of lightening the bending on the structure. How
did they calculate the proper dimension at the first plan? BACK
4: The astronomer C.A. Newham, in the ’60s, confirmed
that the circle of stones of Stonehenge constitutes a sophisticated solar
calendar, that functions as a sundial. The makers of the numerous alignments,
circles and ellipses of stones situated in England and in Brittany had
solid notions of geometry and they knew the p,
3000 years before Euclid and Pitagora. BACK
5: The egyptian New Year's Day falls at dawn of the day in which
Sirius rises immediately before the Sun. The interval between two following
heliacal rising of Sirius is exactly 365.25 days, therefore the gradual
shifting (0.25 days/ year) of the point in which the star rises scans,
like a clock, the phase angle of the calendar in respect to the seasons.
This explains the veneration of the Egyptians for Sirius. Approximately,
the rotation is completed in 365/0.25= 1460 years. In reality the exact
fraction of missed year is 0.2422, for which the true cycle of rotation
is 365/0.2422= 1507 years. BACK
6: Besides an oscillating movement,
that causes the precession, the Earth’s axis tilts differently in respect
to the plane of the orbit. The angle formed by the plane of the ecliptic
(orbital plane) with the plane of the celestial equator (prolongation of
the terrestrial equator, integral with the axis) is said obliquity of the
ecliptic and varies, regularly, between 21°55’ and 24°20’ in a
period of about 41000 years. Today the obliquity is 23°27’. The calculations
of Posnansky, checked by various astronomers, demonstrate that the monuments
of Tiahuanaco were raised when it was 23°8’48’’, about 17000 years
ago. BACK
7: As Zecharia Sitchin, expert of oriental civilizations
recently rediscovered, the Sumerians possessed a complex spherical astronomy
(that involves the knowledge of the roundness of the Earth), they distinguished
in a detailed way the fixed stars from the planets and from other celestial
phenomenons, like meteors and comets, they had precise tables of the ephemerides
and they regularly predicted the eclipses. Additionally they possessed
an astonishing cosmology that describes the primeval crash between the
Earth and an unknown planet (really happened according to latest theories).
Moreover they knew all the planets of the solar system up to Pluto, and
they defined the Big Year of 25920 years (an exceptional estimate of the
cycle of precession). All that should be the result of centuries of observation
of the sky with adequate instruments. Some researchers affirm that the
Sumerian calendar started around 11600 BC. BACK
8: In their artistic
representations, among which the famous basalt heads, one decidedly distinguishes
both negroid and bearded caucasian somatic draws (the Amerinds are hairless).
On ceramics and stelas the researchers of ancient Chinese Han Ping Chen
and Mike Xu discovered various figures identical to Chinese ideograms
of 1200 BC. The Olmecs already possessed a high technical level in the
realization of sophisticated hydraulic operas and pyramids. BACK
9: Before the XVIII century,
chronometers enough precise to calculate exactly the longitude during the
navigation and the topographical plots of the coasts didn't exist. BACK
10: For example the inversion
of the magnetic poles. During such a phenomenon, the living beings would
be undefended from the cosmic radiation at high energy, commonly shielded
by the field. Think that a clear scientific theory that explains the existence
of the magnetic terrestrial field hasn't still been formulated. BACK
11: The UFO phenomenon is too
vast and complex for facing it in a note. Being of strict competence of
the military authorities, for evident implications on national safety,
it has always been object of shelving and disinformation. It is enough
to know that histories of sighting non-identified flying objects are not
a peculiarity of the last 50 years, but are certified in the Middle Ages,
in Roman age, and, perhaps, in several passages of the Bible. BACK
12: Today scientists don't have any idea on how the organic
composts of the so-called "primordial broth" organized "naturally" to form
the first cell, transgressing the III Principle of Thermodynamic. Some,
furthermore, think that accidental mutations of the genetic patrimony might
not be the only responsible in the evolution of terrestrial life, facing
the mechanistic dominant vision. BACK
ing. Quagliati
Mauro, e-mail:
Robert Bauval-Adrian Gilbert, The Orion
mystery, Heinemann, 1994.
Maurice Cotterel-Adrian Gilbert, Mayan
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Michael Cremo-Richard Thompson, Forbidden
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Georges Goyon, Il segreto delle grandi
piramidi [The secret of the Great Pyramids],
Newton Compton, 1980.
Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods,
Heinemann, 1995.
Francis Hitching, The world Atlas of Mysteries,
Francis Hitching, 1978.
Kurt Mendelssohn, L’enigma delle piramidi
[The Enigma of the pyramids], Mondadori, 1976.
Roberto Pinotti, Angeli, dei, astronavi
[Angels, Gods, Starships], Mondadori, 1991.
Zecharia Sitchin, The Twelfth Planet,
Stein and Day Publishers, 1976.
Colin Wilson, From Atlantis to the Sphinx,
Virgin Books, 1996.
Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences,
issue 9, August/September 1996.
Egypt, Discovery Channel Video, 1994.
rivoluzione archeologica, Egitto, geode di Coso, piramidi, archeologia proibita, paleoastronautica, archeoastronomia, misteri dell'Egitto, Cheope, enigmi, costruzione delle piramidi, labirinto, gruppo MMM, Atlantide, Sfinge,archeological revolution, Egypt, geode of Coso, pyramids, forbidden archeology, paleoastronautic, archeoastronomy, mysteries of Egypt, Cheops, enigmas, construction of the pyramids, labyrinth, MMM Group, Atlantis, Sphinx,Michael Cremo, Robert Bauval, Christopher Dunn, Robert Schoch, Georges Goyon, Kurt Mendelssohn, Flinders Petrie, Colin Wilson, Graham Hancock, Thomas Dobecki, Gaston Maspero, Auguste Mariette, Howard Vyse,Zahi Hawass, David Bowen, Dos Santos, Arthur Posnansky, Peter Kolosimo, Barry Fell, Kimura, Rudolf Gantenbrink, Charles Hapgood, Thor Heyerdahl, Cheryl Haldane, David Davenport, Maurice Cotterel, Ahmed Al-Maqrizi,Martin Fleischmann, Newham, Zecharia Sitchin, Han Ping Chen, Mike Xu, John West,Cheope, Cheops, Chefren, Micerino, Menkaura,menhir, Machu Picchu, Mohenjo Daro, Sacsahuaman, Osireion,Abido, piramide bianca, white pyramid, calendario Maya, Mayan calendar, vimana, Mahabarata, Ramayana, Pantiacolla, monoliti, monoliths, Oak island, Oak island treasure, tesoro di Oak island